Since the beginning of 2020, facilities have been forced to operate differently. Whether you run a small family-owned enterprise or oversee an entire college campus or business mall, the Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly impacted your daily operations, procedures, traffic flow, and staffing levels. 

As facilities around the globe begin to reopen, it's vital to evaluate and reassess your procedures and methods to enhance safety as the situation or environment changes. Sourcing the right event hosting PPEs and plastic dividers is paramount in protecting your facility heading into the future. 

One great way to host events in 2021 and beyond is to build fabric and metal solutions at each of life's biggest events. Whether it's the first religious gathering, product launch, or sporting event, you need the right event structure to protect those beautiful moments and create lasting memories. Here are some ways to host an event in a post-Covid world:

Exhibit & Trade Show Booths

Exhibit and trade show booths are perfect tools for showcasing what your facility is all about. Whether you're a small enterprise on a growth trajectory or a large organization marketing a new product, customizable trade show booths are great solutions for bringing brand awareness to your company.

Trade show booths are available in a variety of options for your every unique need. However, the supplies you'll need for your trade show or exhibit display depend on how you want to express your brand. 

With fabric and metal trade show booths, you can safely hold any event in a post-Covid world while ensuring safety for every attendee. You can choose between different draping materials such as velour, commando cloth, banjo, poly premier, or duvetyne. However, you want to work with a professional who can handle the design and installation process and help you think through traffic patterns, brand-specific design, as well as how you install and uninstall your booth from one trade show to the next.

For trade show exhibits that are close in proximity or have collaboration areas, be sure to create more separation to protect your visitors from respiratory droplet contamination. Depending on your specific situation, you can even incorporate dividers or partitions to make your booths safer.

Custom Stages and Drapery

Custom stages, drapery, roof systems, scenic installation, fabric walls and dividers, graphics, truss, and stair sets are excellent solutions for facility events. Experienced professionals can help you install any of these structures in your space. So, no matter how big or small your event is, professional designers, commercial sewers, metal fabricators, and installers can bring your event to life.

Whether you're a novice or an industry pro, ordering stage curtains, room or window drapery, backdrops can be confusing. Let professionals craft your custom curtains, drapers, and backdrops quickly and expertly. Seasoned event equipment providers can also help you design, budget, and specify the right soft goods for your event space, theatre, arena, corporate environment, or any other venue.

Synthetic fabrics can be Inherently Fire Retardant (IFR) and typically meet building codes around the world even after several washes. You also want to consider if the fabric's draping width and characteristics are consistent with your design. Fabrics that stretch over time may eventually distort the aesthetics of the curtain.

Non-fire retardant (NFR) Muslin works great for painted backdrops. If need be, flame retardant can be applied after painting. It's essential to choose extra-wide widths for seamless drops. Typically, standard width muslins are cost-effective and a good choice in applications where seams are not an issue. If you opt for non-painted backdrops, IFR and FR fabrics ensure that your products meet local fire codes.

To ensure safety, you can customize your drapes and backdrops with messages containing the Center for Disease Control guidelines for COVID-19 prevention. These include: 

  • Wear a face mask 

  • Stay at least 6 feet from others 

  • Wash hands regularly with soap and running water 

  • Use hand sanitizer 

  • Or whatever safety message you desire

Permanent vs. Temporary Installation

There are a variety of different event structures, including some that are permanently installed and others that are only temporarily installed. Depending on the project, these types of builds may require permits and/or building codes to be pulled, and you need a team with experience working with engineers and architects who do both permanent and temporary installations. 

From trade shows and sporting or corporate events to sale offices, retail spaces, festivals, outdoor or concert, event structures come in all shapes and sizes. Your choice between permanent and temporary structures will depend on a myriad of factors, including how often you'll be holding events and the number of people you'll be hosting. 

For example, you may want to consider a permanent event structure if you hold significant corporate events or business exhibitions every few months. On the flip side, having a brand awareness exhibition at the launch of a product may not warrant investing in a permanent structure. 

A permanent structure typically costs more since you'll need to incorporate things such as:

  • Power capabilities

  • Flooring

  • Lighting (interior and exterior)

  • Furniture

  • Accessories

Besides, if your event is in a location where restroom facilities are not available, you also need to customize temporary restrooms that are ADA compliant. More importantly, it's vital to allow adequate room for visitors to move about freely.

Whether you've chosen a permanent or temporary event structure, it's crucial to have an effective communications plan to protect your facility. This includes being ready to quickly and directly communicate an outbreak, new guidelines, or process change. In the case of health emergencies or important announcements, effective communication will keep your facility and its occupants safe.

At Canvas Craft, our goal is to protect whatever you value from the elements. Whether it's a Front House sound booth, Awning, Vestibule or custom metal and fabric structure, we've got you covered. We also build custom shade solutions such as fabric & metal awnings, commercial umbrellas, seasonal vestibules, and a myriad of other types of fabric-driven structures. All of our products are backed by our Canvas Craft guarantee and 40 years of experience. Contact us today to request a free estimate!


